"Alex and John playe with hippys.
Hippys sit on John. John dosn't liek Hippys."
This was an essay I had to correct yesterday. Above it was an unintelligible picture of various human/animal formations with lots of smudged erasing. I asked a co-worker for input and he said that the writer meant "hippoes," not "hippys."
All that to say, I'm working with children again, but this time for money. And they are adorable and fabulous and crazy, and I cannot help empathize with them – they sit through school until 2:30 and then come to "Bright Child Learning Center" until 7:00. That's almost a 12 hour work day; something I cannot sustain as a young adult, let alone have managed as a 4th grader.
As I scanned through previously corrected workbooks to get an idea of the grading system, I came across a section of vocabulary words. When the children read a book, they write down a list of words they don't understand and look them up, writing the definition underneath.
One child's entry from a few weeks ago was "Barely: Naked. Someone without clothes." This was circled and red ink declared "Wrong Definition!" That cracked me up.
So, yes, I'm employed again. Half as many hours for slightly more pay – sounded like a good deal to me.
Walking home last night, I was offered a ride by a shady looking 20 something. I politely declined – he didn't even have candy.
haha "he didn't even have candy." LOL this has me laughing to myself. so does this mean if he DID have candy you would've gotten in his car (that's assuming he was in a car and not just riding a bike or something--a very real possibility for that area! haha)??? anyway, i'm proud of you...you're becoming a real independent, street-smart girl siobhannie!!! :P
AWESOME! You have a proper job! It sounds so much better.
hehehe this was an amusing post
nat--well candy would have made him more convincing. i'm not saying whether it would've swayed me, but it would've helped. :)
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