Today the role of therapist was added to my duties:
Brian (age 12): Miss Stewart, why do I sometimes feel sad for no reason?
Me: Oh. Well, you know Brian, that's life. Sometimes you feel happy for no reason, and sometimes you feel sad for no reason. (seriously all I could come up with)
Brian: But why do I feel sad?
Me (laughing nervously): Umm. I don't know. Did something happen?
Brian: No.
Me: Oh...well it'll be okay. (one of the 20 other kids was calling me)
Nice, right? I go home and tell my roommates, and end up with this conversation:
Becky: That was not okay to say! It is not normal to feel sad for no reason.
Christine: Yeah. He's going to end up committing suicide and you're going to be the one they interview – "There were warning signs..."
And then of course there was the latest discovery of calling each other incredibly inappropriate names.
"Miss Stewart! Jason called me a (!)"
"Alright, there will be NO more anatomy insults in here!"
"What's anatomy?"
"Oh...never mind."
(at least I didn't say 'anatomical'...)
The third charming conversation I had today happened when I was sitting at a table brainstorming with Emma Cole.
Emma looked over at me: "When you were nine, is this what you thought you'd be doing when you were 22?"
I looked down at the list of gangsta words we had been compiling for a rap song. On my computer was a website with a list of international slang words for police officers. (Ranging from "bobbies" to "po-lice" (pronounced "po-lease").)
"Well...no." I looked at her quizzically.
"I'm just pointing out the difference between reality and perceived reality," she went all psych-major on me. "So when we're 40 –"
"We'll still be cool?"
"No. If we're not cool now, we never will be."
Haha "is this what you'd imagine you'd be doing at 22?"
Awww, poor little boy, you need to make him feel more loved!
I love the photo of the kitties... oh I can't wait for your rap
aren't they amazing? ohh I love them so.
yeah I know, I felt really bad for him, but he was better the next day.
Those kittens are beautiful, Siob, hey you inspired me.. check out my UPDATED blog...
Po-po is an awesome way of saying police...
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