Today the dog I was walking thought it would be a good idea to prove that the ice on top of the pond would hold his weight. It didn't.
Today the fingerprint guy said my fingers were like bird claws.
Today I met a woman from Norwalk, Connecticut. This wouldn't have been a problem, had she not heard that I was from Wilton, the neighboring town. I had put Wilton on my bio hoping that it wouldn't draw attention because it was such a small, random town. I had fun explaining to her that I had never actually lived in the town where I was "from."
Today winter started. It ends in May.
Today, while walking Adam, I was fascinated by the thin sheet of ice sitting on a pond. I poked at it, threw snow across it, and admired the branches that were half under, half above it. Adam became curious and jumped onto it, immediately breaking through the ice. Luckily it was really shallow, and he jumped right out. Also, he looked hilarious with part of his body half the size of the rest of it.
Today, my siblings told me that the fingerprint guy said my fingers were like bird claws. I told my sister that he had said hers were like sausages. I win.
Today I met a woman from Norwalk, a small town bordering Wilton, the town my mother and grandparents are from which I've visited every summer my whole life. It was neat thinking that we had probably eaten at the same restaurants and probably knew some of the same people.
Today it snowed and Stockholm was transformed from a place of coldness to a place of cold beauty. It is hard to describe the feeling of peace to be gained by sitting by a window, warm in your room, watching the snow fall to the street below.
1 comment:
What is? I do not understand, you is good, we like you hot one
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