I learned a wonderful new phrase today: "Off with the fairies." My Aussie co-worker said it – I had asked her if we were really ending classes next week and she wasn't quite sure; "Sorry, I've been off with the fairies lately."
Excited, I asked if that was a real phrase. She said it was. I'm a bit surprised that my Australian high school math teacher never made the reference towards me (she had plenty of similar things to say).
Basically it means spacing out. Who better to space with than the fairies?
I think referring to your body as your "person" is just about the funniest thing in the world. "The money is somewhere on my person." My person? Yes, the person I take around with me everywhere. I wash my person, and feed her and take her out for walks.
what does it mean?
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This person business reminds me that whenever I think of that which I've done in the past, I use the pronoun 'we', as in, that guy who did that thing back then, and me now who is remembering it.
But person is good exegesis of Biblical truth no? Something about body and soul -- or maybe that's just gnostic...
llams - i added the def. for you:)
dante – yeah, i see what you're saying but it just makes me think of being a floating soul outside my body directing it around like a robot. which is much less Biblical:P
also, the "we" memory thing? very strange. never heard anyone say they did that before
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