When I worked for The Chimes my senior year, we had weekly staff meetings at 8 am. 8 A.M. (My entire university career consisted of about one class before 10:20.) And you could tell who the morning people were. They were smiling, chatty, enthusiastic, almost buzzed. The non-morning people slouched in a couple minutes late, clutching thermoses, wearing big sweaters with their hair pulled back (girls) or hats (guys).
We had some unusual staff members. Jake got 12 hours of sleep every night. Katie ran a million miles every day (seriously, I think around 8?). Gail drove a party bus. Well, that's what we called it.
So, Small Talk Question of the Blog: Is it possible to change your morning/night person orientation?
OK, so I'm pretty much a young, freckled, female Obama with some different political views. I believe in change. I believe you can change your morning/night person orientation. I don't really think you can argue with that.
So: Actual Small Talk Question of the Blog: Can you change your morning/night person orientation without a whole ton of intentional, time consuming, sleep hour changing effort?
Or can you simply will yourself to be a better person in the morning – ie. change your attitude. Smile. Act perky until you feel it.
I think you could
and eat enough apples or drink enough coffee
I think it's partly a psychological thing.... so once you get into the pattern... it helps... that's what i do anyway, even though I'd prefer not to be awake early in the morning.
i think that's the difference, who wants to actually be awake then and who doesn't?
My friend doesn't ever sleep past 9:30... even on the weekends, it's just how she is. But, she sometimes also stays up into the wee hours of the night if she needs to or if hanging out with friends etc...
I'm currently attempting to try to go to bed by 11 and wake up at 7 most days. Last night I went to bed at one...oops. But I kind of feel like even if I can make that regular, I'll never be happy about being awake at 7.
I don't think I could regularize into being a morning being (My Swedish friend here doesn't stay up late if she has extra homework. Instead, she wakes up at 5 a.m. the next morning to study before school. To me, this is madness.) BUT I know I can totally control my morning ATTITUDE. So if it's like one morning a week, I could be a perkster. BUT, There is no way you can get me up at 6 a.m. for the rest of my life.
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