Today I decided to buy a car I found on Craigslist. I consulted a male mind (yes, I buy into stereotypes), and called my father. I have now decided not to buy said car. I also have learned several new life lessons, which I will share here:
Life Lessons:
–Don't choose a car because it was made the year you were born. (This becomes more important over time)
–Men love to give car advice. Ask and you shall find.
–They also love to give computer advice.
On a side note, I successfully used a 2003 ID today (I was around 16). This is the easiest I have ever been able to identify myself – they accepted a very old ID issued as a club membership in a different country, wherein I had different hair and a big, disturbing smile (I had decided I wanted my eyes to look bigger when I smiled, so I opened them really wide and look intensely creepy. But happy. See Hillary above.)
Today I failed at some of my own life advice/passed down family advice no#1: Never turn down a free meal. I did, indeed, turn down a free lunch. But I felt better when remembering family life advice #2: There's no such thing as a free dinner. (Most Stewart family advice involves food in some fashion.)
And I leave you with a picture and email from my younger sister, Emma.

"this is a real animal. it just grows like this. in the wild. I don't understand it at all. its making me question everything around me."
Car? Cars are black holes into which you pour money. And you are off to Sweden in what? Less than a month. Good advice from your dad.
"no such thing as a FREE LUNCH", not dinner. Dinner might sometimes, in fact, be free.
Just so you know, I SHOWED THIS TO EMMA IN THE FIRST PLACE! Secondly, it is a rodent!
So, Monica looks at the photo and immediately says "oh, it's a Brazilian Tapir!"
of course
ahhhh so weird looking
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