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My kids eat off the floor.
And I get strange looks for calling them my kids. (Not from them – I don't do it to their faces.) But that's what teachers do, they refer to "their" kids. It somehow makes storytelling easier. And I really shouldn't be teased by my cousin over this – she obsessively caters to her chihuahua, Evie, calling her "my little black person." At least my children have the knowledge between right and wrong, and the language to express it. (Of course, in cousin's opinion, Evie has these skills and more.)
I just looked up what Google thinks separates us from animals and humans, and I found an interesting page. Well, it's not that interesting, but I quite enjoyed number six:
"6. Anxiety over death. Humans–especially Kierkegaard–worry about what happens to them after they die."
Especially Kierkegaard, huh? Not that I'm disputing the assertion, it just seemed like they were going for more general answers. I mean, humans have opposable thumbs – especially Da Vinci.
Speaking of weird names and Google searches, apparently the latest celebrity trend is naming their children really generic names. That way they can't be tracked down as easily as, oh MoonUnit and Dweezle Zappa. I initially found this idea upsetting – I like my world properly ordered, and if I'm expected to mindlessly fawn over celebrities like they're a different species, I would prefer that they have distinctive names to add to their mystique.
Back to my children, though. They (or the six year olds anyways) really do prefer eating off the dubiously colored carpet at the learning center. And not on little plastic plates or containers, no, they take bags and containers of snacks and dump them out directly onto the ground. This week they gave up on any pretense of humanity and took turns begging like dogs for each other's snacks. One kid would scramble after another on his hands and knees, pretending to pant and beg for a snack. The other "human" would toss a snack for his buddy to go fetch. Yes, on the carpet. The carpet which has seen stale mushy snacks, various bug collections, pants wetting, etc.
A hobby of the older students is changing the names of the desktop icons. One of the kids alerted me to a completely altered desktop, and I had quite an amusing time changing the labels back. The "Internet Explorer" icon had been changed to "Brian is so fat he was baptized in Sea World." "Excel" was now "Daniel Yi likes men." You get the point.
I was telling a friend of mine some of my kids' more ridiculous shenanigans and she laughed and told me that I was the type of teacher that had driven us crazy when we were young. Yeah, probably. I'm Miss Wormwood, Mr. Feeny, etc. It's just not as fun when you aren't directly involved/held unaccountable for your actions. I guess I'm just not magical anymore.
Quote of the Day: "Fairy Tales to rummage sales, we all love a dream."
-Darden Smith, Austin singer/song writer
your kids ARE crazy. but acting like dogs to get snacks? sounds like something i would've done. and the icons, DEFINITELY something i would've done. my first thought after reading that was "hmmm...i wonder if you can do that on a mac?"
p.s. your title got that song stuck in my head all day.
It is impossible to obsessively cater to a Chihuahua. Impossible. (Although, Dolly does communicate much more effectively than Evie does).
Ew to eating off the ground. Ew. Ew. Ew. The Chihuahuas don't do that.
The Kierkegaard quote was hysterical.
I laughed and laughed.
It's fun to comment.
By the way, my word verification was one letter away from "sadist". hmmmm.
Alright, I'd just like to take this moment to point out that I do not personally choose the word verification words. I wish I could (I wonder if there's a setting somewhere).
Auntie B, I'm glad you're able to comment now! It doubles my comments and makes my page robust with energy:) (and to tell you the truth, I put the chihuahua stuff in there because I knew you'd have something to say. heh)
Emma--sorry about the song in your head. if it makes you feel better, I've gotten the graduation song stuck in Chrstine's head so many times it's a bit ridiculous.
Alright, I'd just like to take this moment to point out that I do not personally choose the word verification words. I wish I could (I wonder if there's a setting somewhere).
Auntie B, I'm glad you're able to comment now! It doubles my comments and makes my page robust with energy:) (and to tell you the truth, I put the chihuahua stuff in there because I knew you'd have something to say. heh)
Emma--sorry about the song in your head. if it makes you feel better, I've gotten the graduation song stuck in Chrstine's head so many times it's a bit ridiculous.
hello Siobhan. It's your brother. Will.
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