GLEE. (is back and more dramatic than ever)
This will be brief.
Random sign in Oman that just popped into my head: "Welcome to SAPCO, please come always." I don't actually remember the wording, but I'm almost positive that's what it said.
We were also down the street from a "Typical Dental Clinic" – the connotations of "typical" having been confused in translation. Naturally the "T" was rubbed off and it was simply the "Ypical Dental Clinic" for the 5 years we were there.
The kids from youthgroup came back from a field trip with a picture of a sign reading "Plastic Torture is Forbidden," which was more of a discussion piece than a sign. I think it had something to do with pollution...
My favorite though, was the warning sign near a water hole in a wadi "Diving Accidents are Now Popular."
Hairy Krishnmas
While I was in Texas, I happened to be in the hair dye section, and there was coincidentally a sale, and I might have accidentally picked up a box of dark red coloring. This broke my (almost entire) year of fasting from dyeing my hair – but I was actually only a month early, and I gave up stuff for lent, so I figure that bought me a month.
The kids have gotten a kick out of it.
"Miss Stewart, did you dye your hair?" was shouted at me repeatedly throughout the day. I try to avoid answering redundant questions like this (I figure responses only further stunt their intelligence), so I mostly smiled and shrugged.
When nefarious Nathan came in and asked me for the millionth time, I was tired of it.
"No I didn't. Someone shot me in the head and the blood mingled into my hair and created this color."
"Eww I don't believe you!"
"It's true. My friend shot me –"
"It was your friend?"
"Well we're not friends anymore." and so on.
Daniel told me I looked like Mary Osbourne, many many times. David decided I looked like a waitress and got a kick out of calling me over.
"Hey waitress! What's 88-7?"
Vivian and Charlotte, a set of twins, were shocked. "I didn't see this coming," Charlotte said. "You look like Little Red Riding Hood."
This post is dedicated to my Emmas. To the hair stylist Emma Catherine, who left blondey bits in my hair which make me look cooler than I am. And to Emma Cole, a natural redhead who pulls it off much better. (A natural curly head too, for that matter...maybe brown contacts are in my future.)
oooh brown contacts, interesting. i love the waitress bit :P
btw (by the way hahaha) maybe there will be safe hitchhiking in heaven.
Oh Siobhan, this lovely "leave your comment" thingy looks so familiar. And like it might WORK. Too exciting.
Shall I go back and comment on all of your other blogs? Tempting.
And...red? Dark red?
"I didn't see this coming".
well hello! you can make up for all your missed comments on my future blogs:) and the red is very attractive. saucy almost.
Hey shosho. Check this book out (you can flip through the pages online) http://www.amazon.com/Chinglish-Translation-Oliver-Lutz-Radtke/dp/1423603354 its basically got the whole Omani sign translation thing going but for China. I was all obsessed with it this week (bought one for a friend) because it is one of the best humorous readings I have ever had, besides certain comic books. In fact, you should just go buy it yourself. Anyways, cool that we are on the same wavelength.
Your blog comment thing made me write "buststan" for word verification. I'm not comfortable with this.
Nefarious Nathan
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