Wednesday, May 5, 2010

picture perfect memories

Today I confiscated a rubber band from nefarious Nathan, only to watch him get up and replace it with another from a bag full of them.

I also talked to Brian about baptism. He didn't understand it for a school project:

Brian: Miss Stewart, what's baptism?
Me: Go look it up.
Brian: I did, I don't understand it.
Me: It's what Christians do. They either dunk or sprinkle a person with water.
Brian: Whaat?
Me: Yeah, it's symbolic. Depending on what kind of Christian they are, they dunk or sprinkle a person with water. It represents the cleansing of sins.
Brian:'s like...getting wet?
Me: Yeah.

I also came to the realization that I'm going to miss all of them.

Today's Quote:

"Why it is that of all the billions and billions of strange objects in the Cosmos -- novas, quasars, pulsars, black holes -- you are beyond doubt the strangest?"

–Walker Percy. (Not said to me.)


Johnny said...


LlamaH said...

that quote was said about you?

Sho said...

joooooohn. do you have a blog now???

llams, no it was not. but i would probably find it flattering. (wouldn't most people?)

Emma said...

I, for one, would find it flattering. And I love the baptism thing. Siobhan, I'm entirely uninspired to write lately, and of COURSE today as soon as I wanted to when I was out, I have NO PEN. I ALWAYS have a pen. It was excruciating.

Sho said...

ughhh emma i hate that! but i also kind of hate walking around with a notebook and pen everywhere and not using them...

so do we want inspiration with no outlet (which will then be lost), or an outlet with no inspiration?