– A small plane recently took out a jogger which I found pretty disturbing. The line in the article "the plane – which could be built from a kit–" was also bothersome.
–Someone told me that you are 8 times more likely to die in a small jet than in a motorcycle accident. I just want a parachute, but they're pretty expensive.
I bumped into the beautiful Beth Cissel last night. She is one of my Chimesies who I love and adore. Check out her fantastic photography. Beth used to author the Chimes Gossip Blog which she used to refer to all the time "Oh, this is going into the Chimes Gossip Blog" and I always assumed was a joke until I finally saw it. Go figure.
And now, for your viewing enjoyment, a video that never gets old to me. Meet William, my brother who is currently saving the world in Morocco.
Also, I went on a hike with a pie:
LOVE the video! Even had your shrill laugh at the end of it :P
I know, I need to figure out a way to cut that off.
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