Friday, July 16, 2010

they went an' built a skyscraper seven stories high

Today I was sitting on the steps of a library, eating a muffin. A fellow came and joined me, asking if the muffin was my breakfast. I said yes, and he asked if I had made it. "I like girls who cook," he added with a sheepish smile. I bluntly informed him that Vons had made it. I resisted the urge to make a sexist comment, because I figured he'd take it as a compliment. (Actually I just couldn't think of something clever.)

Apparently I'm a big hit in Whittier, because another guy told me that I was cuter than a cat's meow. Actually, he asked if anyone had ever told me that. They have now. Although this guy was rebounding -- he had just used the same line on my roommate 5 minutes earlier. Spring for a new pickup line, doctor.

Facebook Find: Theme: MIT

Two statuses:

Emma handing me a letter "Hannah, MIT wants you!""MIT wants me?!""Just kidding, Karl wants you.... MIT wants ME."

MIT sent me stick-on tattoos. I guess I should mail them some nice bookmarks.

Am I getting redundant with the Emma theme? I could switch to a different Emma. COLE. Emma Cole once took a test and put "Emma Cluster" as her name...completely by accident. The professor, after handing all the tests back, told her that hers wasn't in the pile, but she did have one by an "Emma Cluster." After hearing this story, our relationship changed. It's hard to take someone seriously when they accidentally sign their name Cluster.


So....Stockholm Syndrome. People are weird.


LlamaH said...

Haha, those guys all sound like GREAT catches... seriously, bring one back to Sweden... although they are not NEARLY as charming as Arab men!

So, I'm glad to see I have made this post quite a bit... even though it's a short one.

Emma said...

Okay, FOR THE RECORD: It was an EIGHT AM class and I'm not a morning person. One of the questions somewhere on the sheet had the word CLUSTER in it, and CLUSTER is really not the worst last name one could have.

But yes, my relationship with MYSELF changed at that moment as well.

Sho said...

Llama -- "short" is relative. If all my posts were a single word, you'd think this one was long. Ooh, single word posts. Interesting. If I put a single word asa post, you could write a blog length response. that would be cool, eh?

emma-- hahhahahha. it just still makes me laugh every time. I don't care why. I'm just sucking up the endorphins.

herewegoagain said...

I had my sixth birthday in Whittier. We had a back yard that was 100 percent cedar chips. Very unpleasant for 3 kids under seven and a pregnant mother. Ask your dad. He'll remember. Or not.