Friday, July 23, 2010

where do the children play?

I recently stumbled upon the 112 drafts in my gmail inbox. These included class notes, poetry, random thoughts, and, of course, actual drafts (that were never sent). They also included all of the quotes that have gone through my Facebook quote wall (which is a lot.) I've always been a little obsessed with quotes -- funny, serious, pithy, ridiculous, inspirational, etc., and on Facebook, I've always enjoyed sticking up my friends' quotes after stripping them of context.

But sometimes context is equally entertaining (if not enjoyable/satisfying), so I've grabbed some of the old ones in my drafts for your reading pleasure. Some will be contextualized.

A Midsummer's Night Dream:

ryan/bottom:"the lion has deflowered my dear"
john/quince:"deVOURED! devoured!"

"Asleep my love? What, dead my dove?"


"Apparently Bobo broke his leg on those bouncy things at lunch."
"Stupid A.S."

This was a changing room conversation -- Bobo, the sprightly fairy Puck, was supposed to run (flit) around stage doing flips and jumping onto blocks. Instead he injured himself right before opening night on bouncy castles A.S. had provided.

"I fear it, I promise you."

My favorite line of the play. Extremely hard to explain without context.

Emma Cole. Was my roommate for a year. She worked late night shifts at Common Grounds, and I (having scheduled only afternoon classes) would wait up for her to come home. (She always brought divine bagels.) Bits of our late night conversations often ended up on Facebook.

"Stop throwing my objects."

"Because i like my objects"

"The thing is-we don't like people very much."
(This was in reference to herself.)

"Life sucks. you have take your make up off and put it on again."

I find this strangely profound.

"You're stuck in here, you can't get out, and there's asbestos in the ceiling"
-woman in emma cole's dream -- she always had the strangest, strangest, vividly plotted dreams.

"You touched my computer and now it's in the future."

"I don't like to be blatantly slutty. I like to make people look for my sluttyness"

"Two images. one: Freud slipping on something and falling. two: freud in a slip."
(her mind translates 'freudian slip')

"Sorry, I got distracted by John Travolta"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to touch you there."

"Where are you coming from ant bastards!"

"I'm going to sue the city or something. I'm going to tell them, 'You know what, it's fine for normal people if your trees have thorns on them, but if you are a)clumsy or b)have an abusive boyfriend' it's just a disaster waiting to happen."


Emma, judging from my last couple blog entries, I think I have a man crush on you. This is my public declaration.


LlamaH said...

Woooah... TMI Siobhan, TMI!

Emma said...

Really? Wouldn't it be called a girl crush? I miss living with you.

p.s. I referred to you as "my idealist friend" to someone today.

Sho said...

L-I have a thing or two to say to you about TMI. (hint: 5!!!!)

Em – I'm just using man-crush as a term for all platonic crushes...and really, who are we kidding? we should have been men. (I mean we make such good angry ones)

LlamaH said...

you don't need to be following my status if you don't want to