Monday, July 12, 2010

have you quit doing time for me?

Today's Smashing Story: Is actually mainly a series of vivid photographs from "failed" states. Does labeling over 60 countries as 'failed' "remove the legitimacy of the label" or is it simply the truth?
If everyone is weird, is there a need differentiate between "weird" and "normal"? Everything is made of matter and we still define it. Do these three examples relate?


Undeleted Texts: Today's theme is foodish.

"Sandi just laughed so hard she literally threw up."

This one was three years old, and, if I remember correctly, sent out of the blue. (Ie. I didn't send some terribly witty text that made her laugh.:))

"Never eating your clam sauce again."

This one was from my darling brother who has, in my opinion, a weak constitution, as evidenced by the fact that my clam sauce wreaked havoc on nobody else's stomach.


Facebook Find: A status with a few comments.

Just saw a blind man with loads of tattoo's, why would you get them if you can't see them? I thought they hurt... I'm very perplexed lol

1) How do you know he's 100% blind? And maybe he got them before he went blind?? HMMM HMMM? Lol how far away are you? x

2).............and maybe his dog appreciates art ??

6) why cant a bloke who fits blinds to windows have tattoos it seems perfectly alright to me ??

So...tattoos...If you would get one now, would you still get it if you were blind?

If you wouldn't get one now, what circumstance would have to change before you would? What's your price? If someone paid you a million dollars to tattoo a picture of something ridiculous on your forehead, would you? On your arm? back? 2 million? 3? What about a sentence containing a life philosophy you disagree with?

1 comment:

LlamaH said...

Poo on the internet!

I left a comment but it failed! ARGGH

Anyways, in short, I wouldn't tatoo anything on me that I didn't agree with, that's stupid... and if I were blind and fancied a tatoo, I would get one.

The end