Monday, September 21, 2009

No one ever said it would be this hard

It happens: You stand up slowly, savoring the moment. There is a line of people before and behind you, a multitude of caps and gowns surrounding you, but somehow it seems like it's all about you. This is your moment. The culmination of years of studying, griping, laughing, working--it was all for this: a three minute walk to center stage, a handshake, a photo, and a piece of paper.

That day and the days following it, people slap you on the back, hand you money, tell you you're a star and that you can reach the stars. Nobody mentions the recession. Nobody brings up the exponential increase in newspaper deaths across the nation. And no one, no one tells you what unemployment is like.

Alright, I'm good. I like to get dramatic sometimes, and now it's out of my system. I've actually talked to people who really enjoyed their time of unemployment. Note: these are people who are currently employed and looking back with the rosy lenses of nostalgia. 2nd Note: These are also people who are rich.

I recently shot a video of the "Five Stages of Unemployment" which I'll post on here after it's edited. It goes through the different stages of unemployment, from blind optimism to lying, apathy and despair.

No, but it's not all bad. I know I'll be dedicating a lot of posts to what I like about the mobility and excitement of being jobless. The La Times even did an article about the
funemployed--unemployed 20's somethings who looove the stress free lifestyle. These people are having a grand old time.

One girl says: "I feel like I've been given a gift of time and clarity," and many of them spend their days at the beach.

So yes, it's not terrible and I really am enjoying myself most of the time. BUT: California's unemployment rate is the fourth highest in the country and is at its highest in 70 years.

The only plus side? I argued endlessly with my little sister, trying to get her to come to college in California. She chose Michigan. Well, guess which state has the highest unemployment rate in our union? That's right, Michigan. Yes. Yes, that's right. And they all feel like Miss Dustbowl on the left here.

Oh, and you know what else? The unemployed in Michigan aren't funemployed. Because it's too cold to go to the beaches there.


LlamaH said...

Haha. Wow, funemployed. Californians are bums!

It is super hard to find a job in Michigan, I am just glad I have lot's of support from my FAMILY.

Thanks for writing about my request.

Sho said...

no, thank YOU for being my biggest fan. :)

Unknown said...

I wrote you a poem about your unemployment.


somebody please give siobhan a job,
she is becoming one depressed blob.
she sits and mopes and starts to decay,
she volunteers at schools without any pay.
unemployment unemployment is no good,
not even in the hood (especially not in the hood).

Unknown said...

Hanna, I HIGHLY DISAGREE with your saying Californians are bums! I only know like 12 bums, and most of them live in my house! I'm SO heated about this!!

LlamaH said...

Woah there Bessie, BRING IT ON! You just proved my point FOR me. I don't know ANY bums, much less live with them.

Unknown said...

.. Siobhan made me banter it's her fault.

LlamaH said...

uh huh.. nice excuse... i think I won :D