Friday, September 25, 2009

you smile like a saint

Smashing Story: Apparently a man sued Bank of America for 1,784 billion, trillion dollars. That's a lot of money--once it gets past a billion it's almost too abstract to fully understand. So I love that he's so specific. I would have been happy with 1 billion trillion dollars, but hey--it's the principle of the matter.

Today's Funky Word: Crapulous. It means "given to or characterized by gross excess in eating or drinking." What a great word. It rhymes with fabulous and completely fits its definition.

Today's Quote: "We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." --Plato

I feel dishonorable because I pulled this quotation off a site and therefore have no context to explain it. Undoubtedly he's talking about mankind's dissuasion toward philosophy (he harps on about that a lot), but I like it in terms of faith, truth and understanding.

I've been thinking about writing a story that has a tree house as a significant part in it, and I did a little prelim research and found this site.

Aren't those the coolest ever?

Yesterday was the first diamond in my mining for jobs. Alright, so that was a dodgy analogy--they have to start unused before they can spread like H1N1. (yeah, that one might never catch on).

Basically, I actually got an interview, which is the third one I've had in my three weeks of hunting. And at the interview, something even more amazing happened: they liked me! It was only for a small tutoring job, but I'm a terrible interviewee (see top picture), so this was huge progress.


Jenn said...

Story, word and quote, all badass and awesome. And good luck with your job prospect! :)

~Jenn (Ex Hot Girl)

herewegoagain said...

I love personally love "spread like H1N1", and will no doubt now use it in embarrassingly wrong situations from now on....