Wednesday, January 27, 2010

and as I wander down this road I take a turn

Today's forage into my children's workbooks had interesting results:

Definition: The end of life
Sentence Example: A lot of people have deaths.
Sentence Correction: (A teacher had fixed it.) A lot of people have slow deaths.

Now, I don't know if it's me, but that doesn't seem like the happiest sentence correction in the world. At the very least, it could have been switched to "fast."

Today's Article: The BBC determined, in 1999, that the world wasn't going to end. Read about it here.

Word of the Day: Kulak. A kulak is a Russian peasant wealthy enough to own land and/or hire labor. A ton of them got killed under Stalin.

Today's Lesson: Don't ever bet someone you know how to spell Kierkegaard's full name. You may think you do, but you don't.

1 comment:

LlamaH said...



I love the whole Death story... and today's lesson! pwhahahaa