Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It's been a long time, now I'm...

Coming back home. Or, coming back to blogging, I should say. I have no desire to make a public declaration of how often I'll be blogging (seeing as my original "once a day" intention has proven unrealistic), but I hope to increase the frequency. Please bear with me, as I am dealing with mild self-loathing over becoming the blogger who blogs about how often she blogs even though she appears to have no readers.

Well folks, appearances can be deceiving. I have many readers, they are just silent (and occasionally stalkerish). Proof? My last post received a comment
in another language. Clearly I am reaching international audiences – even if it was spam or a notice telling me my pictures have been infringing copyright, I'm still well pleased. Yes, well pleased.

This entry is short because I'm at work anticipating the arrival of the possessed imps I'm attempting to mold into proper humans. Sigh.

I've been writing for Associated Content recently (or sticking old stuff up); check out my Youtube article.

Quote of the Day: "We can accept man as a fact, if we are content with an unexplained fact. We can accept him as an animal, if we can live with a fabulous animal."
–Chesterton, The Everlasting Man


LlamaH said...

Yeah, I say, it has been a while... I almost gave up on checking the blog out!

"I'm at work anticipating the arrival of the possessed imps I'm attempting to mold into proper humans. Sigh."

Funniest thing I've read in a while!

Anonymous said...

good videos. but the whale was gross.