Saturday, September 18, 2010

look at the world and I notice it's turning

This guy is wonderful.

This morning I discussed adoption with my parents and ended up with a conversation that went something like this:

mumsie: "You should be glad I'm all for it. When I was thinking about it, my mom was completely against it."
me: "Really?"
mumsie: "Yeah. I mean that was after we already had six and were looking..."
me: "Ohh."
mumsie: "Anyways it wasn't my passion. It was something that I always thought would be a wonderful thing to do, but I wasn't committed enough."
me: "That makes sense."
mumsie:"And you know what tipped it over? When I realized we wouldn't all fit in the Suburban. We'd have to get some sort of commercial van or something."

So I missed out on another little sibling because we didn't want another car.


I want to design a website where you can put ingredients in and it outputs recipes.


LlamaH said...

Oooh that website would make MILLIONS! awesome, i bet there is one out there already.

Hahaha, oh mumsie! I want another little baby in the family, quick Siobhan, make some!

Emma said...

Pretty sure that website already exists. has a feature like that.

chantel said...

dude....doooooo it! i'll be your mentor!