pi back art
My little sister Ammadeus is the mathematically inclined one in our family. I decided it would be a good idea to write part of pi on her back and take photos. I think it would be really cool to cover an entire body in pi (like across the face and wrapping around the torso, etc), but that will probably have to wait until winter when we will be forced to rely on indoor activities.
She is also the artistic (painting, sketching, etc) one in our family. An artist who is talented at math seems like it should be the most obvious thing in the world: after all math and art are so entwined. Still, it makes sense that some people naturally experience/intuit/sense more of one than the other.
I think I would rather have terrific mental skills and ify social skills than vice versa. The people worth being friends with shouldn't mind a bit of awkwardness. And if they do, I would still have my robot buddies.
I don't remember where I first heard of Daniel Tammet, the English savant, but I remember being fascinated with his story. After a series of childhood epileptic attacks, he ended up with some wires crossed in his brain, causing him to become a synesthist – someone who experiences numbers as colors or tastes (or vice versa). Through this condition, he also can multiply large numbers in his head (think 347 to the power of 4), and can recite pi to over 20,000 digits.
Here's a clip of the first part of a story BBC did on him. This is the type of journalism I want to do:
I've started viewing the people in my house as distractions to my reading. There is probably a happy medium for this sort of thing.
Here's a pi tattoo:

this is awesome!
hahaha, you are such a weirdo, but a cool one. I especially like the 2nd photo, it looks almost like a painting. I like her freckle on her pinky too.
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