Monday, October 25, 2010

her mind is tiffany twisted

Today I walked into Carl and Edvin's home for English tutoring. I was met by a very hyper Carl and his equally hyper grandfather who sang at me something along the lines of, "Sheevon, we've been waiting. I'm so happy I got to be here today."

Carl was doing a funky little dance while holding an iPhone playing "Hotel California."

"What are you doing?" I asked, laughing.

"Guess what song this is?!" Carl exclaimed.

"Hotel California."

Both Carl and his grandfather were ecstatic over this reply. Apparently they had specially chosen the song because I had come to Sweden from California. It was really adorable. I was glad they had chosen The Eagles' California song over Katy Perry's.


A church friend of mine recently online posted her need for a dog sitter. Christophe, who does not know her, replied to the ad and she figured out that he was my brother. With a bit of information I supplied her, she replied to him with this email:

With some of the details you gave me, I was able to do a bit of research and I do have a few additional questions...I talked with someone who seems to be well acquainted with you and he mentioned that you are really into Animal Collective and Vampire Weekend? I don't know much about those bands, but the names make me a bit nervous? Also, the Robert Plant poster? My dog really prefers a quiet environment and is very low energy, so I am not sure if this is a good fit? What do you think?

He got a bit spooked. Sho 1, Christophe 0.


I occasionally think about horrible ways to break up with someone. Mostly these ideas are from the experiences of various friends and acquaintances. But noone plans a breakup, right? They just happen. Wrong. I recently had a conversation with a friend who told me she had not only planned her breakup, she had planned it with her boyfriend. As in they negotiated a date ahead of time.

OK, fine. My odd friends aside, I've started compiling a list of ways to "win" your breakup. This means breaking up with them in a horrible "Got you last!" way.

How to Win Your Breakup: 3 Ways to Dump Someone

1) Associations
. A few weeks before the breakup, start creating strong memories with their favorites: Start making their favorite foods for dates, start wearing their favorite scents, start playing their favorite band, etc. When you eventually break up, make it a messy one and these favorites will be ruined for them: they won't be able to smell lavender without hearing your screaming voice, or eat pork without seeing your angry face, or listen to Coldplay without wanting to throw something.

2) Pick a good date. Birthdays, Valentine's Day, the day before Prom, the day after they get into a motorcycle accident: these all work. Personal suggestion: April Fool's Day. Because then the actual breakup lasts for at least two days in their head.

3) Don't Actually Break Up. Just get really half hearted about everything and avoid confrontation like the plague. You could actually make this last for years.

(Right, so the last one doesn't really fit in the list, but I had run out and it was donated by someone who said it worked for him.)


OK, so just to let you all know that I'm really a good person – I don't actually suggest any of the options on the previous list. Think of it as a social commentary. Also, I've seen all of these happen in the personal lives of my friends/family members. So you could think of it as an extremely vague piece of history.


LlamaH said...

Awww. haha, that's so precious, they were playing Hotel California for you.

Hahaha, that's super funny about Chris.

Your friend actually PLANNED her breakup, with her boyfriend....such strangeness

Anonymous said...

Oh it was NOT funny what she and her nefarious friend did to me...

Maybe I'll forward her my response e-mail so she can post it showing how much of a jackass I looked like.


Also, as far as my anonymous contribution to the break-up list, I.E. the last item, I did suggest it, but not as a method that has worked for me.

Rather it has led to heartache and confusion and all kinds of crossed wires.

But, regardless, a delightful post, Siobhan :)

Now, off I go to type in "ingie" to prove that I'm human.

Not a real word that I know of, but hey, it's the '90s now, right? Life is different.

Sho said...

christophe: stop making my blog look inaccurate:P

welcome to the '90s

Anonymous said...

CJ---you can open up your FB again, since no one actually hacked into it after all! :-)

Emma said...

sio, i know i barely comment anymore, but i still read all your blogs. i wish i had you with me at all times and you could write my blogs for me. i always have them in my head but by the time i get to my computer they've vanished. my dad is convinced that alcohol killed my memory. thought you might appreciate that little morsel of wisdom.

Sho said...

Cole! I love that you still read:) And it's a tragedy that alcohol has killed your blogging because it was jolly good stuff.

hmm i think alcohol killed my memory, made me disorganize, SCREWED UP my sense of direction and my social conscience

Chelsey said...

Let's do it again sometime!