Monday, April 26, 2010

Seek ye first

"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. And all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33.

We sang this song at church today and I was reminded of:
a) how beautiful it is
b) how unobtrusively important it is
c) growing up singing it

Tonight I read the first half of Blue Like Jazz, by Donald Miller, which I'm immensely enjoying and connecting with a little too much. Miller has a lot of truths and insights, many of which I've thought about/discussed, but he's packaged them in a very approachable and revealing way. (Similar to Lewis in some ways. Not in others.) I always enjoy rediscovering truth that I take for granted – but I also find it very frustrating; can't I just learn something once and retain/appreciate forever? Must everything be so cyclical?

This writing has veered.

Today's Quote:
"I maintain that when brought out into the daylight these two things look altogether strange and unique; and that it is only in the false twilight of an imaginary period of transition that they can be made to look in the least like anything else.

The first of these is the creature called man and the second is the man called Christ."

-Chesterton, The Everlasting Man

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