Thursday, April 29, 2010

Juliet said, "Hey, it's Romeo. You nearly gave me a heart attack."

My bed is broken and I can't find the hole. So I pump it up each night, and in the morning chunks of my body (ie. my back) have sunk through to the floor. It looks like I am being consumed. Okay, so maybe "chunks of my body" was a strange description – it reminds me of fondue. mmm. But seriously, I feel like this isn't rocket science. There must be a hole letting the air out and I'm determined to find it. (squeezing it and listening really hard hasn't worked so far). I suppose I should be glad I don't have shears instead of fingers because that would make the situation a lot more complicated.

Actually I find that it's a good idea to watch that movie whenever your life seems complicated in other areas too.

Going with my life advice from the other day, I read some of comments below the clip and found these gems:
"Your Edward may sparkle, but MINE has scissorhands."
"uggh, i hate how when someone says; "edward"...most girls now automatically think "oh, edward cullen!"...i just wanna scream; "NO! edward scissorhands! not that sparkly, crappy vamp" :P"


My friend told me about how she knew a guy whose wife was a terrible driver and kept crashing into other cars. (This is in Oman where you buy your license.) To remedy the situation, he bought her a hummer to keep her safe. My friend ranted about how she's now this unstoppable terror on the roads.

When I first heard this story (before my friend started complaining), I thought that a hummer was a pretty good solution to the problem. Keeps her much safer – a much better buffer. And that's typical me. Typical human, for that matter. We see a problem and try to treat the symptoms instead of the underlying causes. We fix the symptoms up with a shiny new hummer which not only ignores the problem, but inflicts greater damage to everything in its path.

We try the weirdest diets to avoid eating healthy and exercising. We relativise and avoid our personality flaws by watching Dr. Phil, and Joe on the corner. We throw money at people and tell them to fix their lives. We make ourselves sick on materialism and buy new stuff to cheer ourselves up. We peddle a godless spirituality.

And then we tell ourselves that we are this way because of environmental factor A, genetic factor B, and that one guy who broke our trust when we were fifteen and looking for love in all the wrong places. (Yes, yes, that was dramatic. Shout out to TS) We see that our quick fixes haven't worked and despair that true change isn't possible. But I've been reading a book about Nelson Mandela called "Playing the Enemy," and I'm pretty sure that if one man can change an entire deeply rooted national mindset, true change is possible. (Just maybe not overnight.)

Not that I have any problems. But some of you might want to look into it.

Quote of the Day:
Abed: Jeff, I have to make some adjustments to my film, you'll play my father
Jeff: I don't want to be your father
Abed: Perfect, you already know the lines



Emma said...

OK I REALLY need to start watching Community. And I was doing yard work yesterday and it made me want to watch Edward Scissorhands. And guess what? I OWN it. Btw, keep Edward away from your bed.

Good thoughts on what people do to their lives. Currently yo-yoing between being real and masking the symptoms.

Sho said...

umm...yes, you do.
that is all.

okay that's not all because i'm finding it uncanny that we keep having the same random wave lengths (i mean edward scissorhands, really?)

LlamaH said...

did you see Invictus?

Matthew said...

I agree with Emma about keeping Edward away from your bed.

The standard way to find a leak is to use water: put water all over it, and see where bubbles are from the leaking air. If that doesn't work, fill up the bathtub and dunk different parts of the bed into the water, and see where the bubbles come from.

chantel said...

seriously i love you.....damn why can't you be david bowie and i be iman? pish...the fates!

Sho said...

llams: nope.
matthew: thank you! I'm definitely going to try that when i stop being lazy (or my back starts hurting)

chantel: strange old world isn't it? but if i dwell in your ideal alternate universe i probably wouldn't want to be here anymore:)