Friday, December 3, 2010

but if you really hold me tight, all the way home we'll be warm

Mcdonalds apple pies here are fried. They are beautiful. In the States they are baked and they are boring and mealy and lame.

Mcdonalds needs to stop pretending to be something it's not. It's not a healthy food place.
"There is a place in this world for junkfood," my mother says. And if my wheat-loving, organic buying mother says it, you know it's true.

Happy Meals getting banned? Seriously? How much money and lobbying went into
that battle? It's not that I don't think a good cause is worth fighting for – and protecting the health of our nation is certainly a good cause – it's just over the top. People know Mcdonalds isn't healthy. They go there because it's cheap, fast, and easy. I'm going to go out on a limb and say most people don't go there every day.

And honestly, this is a choice we should be allowed to make for ourselves. And yes, for our children.

And for our taste buds, because fried apple pies are better. They just are.


LlamaH said...

I couldn't agree more!!

(except some people are ignorant)

chantel said...

yeah it's things like this that make me hate america! and you ARE beautiful!

Sho said...

dear chantel,
i love you.
for rizzle