Friday, December 3, 2010

where you come from and where you gonna go this time?

I took the wrong exit out of the metro station and started wandering around the complex. Surely the other exit couldn't be that far. It was -1 C and positively warm after yesterday's -16 C. Maybe the weather was all relative. Or maybe I was turning into a Swede.

This idea was quickly disproven as an older man walked up to me and started speaking Swedish. Nope. Still not fluent. His tone was strange, like he was making some sort of declaration. I waited until he finished and then shrugged and apologized for not being able to speak his language.

He switched to English. "You are beautiful," he announced, emphasizing each word. "Of course," he added in a 'what else would I have said' tone. I laughed and thanked him, and we both continued on our ways.

Full of little surprises, these Swedes.


LlamaH said...

hahaha, that's precious!

Yeah, I think that weather is relative because I never would have said that a few degrees Celsius is actually warm before I had my winters here!

LlamaH said...

It's been about 4 days since your last post.... I am still awaiting your blogging

Jineesha said...

woww!! im sure that just made your day innit?

Sho said...

it totally did:)