A conversation in which (thankfully) I was not an active member. I've condensed it for your appreciation:
Brian: Miss Garcia, why do they ask you stupid questions when you're getting a green card?
Miss Garcia (laughing): Like questions about the United States and the Constitution?
Katie: What's the Constilution? (yes, "lution.")
Brian: No, like if I'm a terrorist or stole things and stuff. It's stupid.
Miss Garcia: Okay, imagine you owned a country. Would you want to let in a bunch of terrorists and thieves.
Brian: Oh...
I know what you're thinking: Siobhan, you've only ever quoted five students from your work. Is it actually a center with 30 kids? The truth is, I'm not sure how many kids there are. BUT, only about seven of them tend to be consistently loud and ridiculous. That's not hard to believe, right? (Believe me, I'm thankful.)
And I also was able to Skype with two of my sisters. Lex, the youngest, informed me that Amadeus, who was not there, actually enjoys reading my blog. Our conversation went something like this:
Lex: Yeah, Emma really likes your blog.
Llams: Really?
Lex: Yeah. I said, "I thought you didn't like Siobhan," and she said "Yeah, but she's funny."
So yes, charming. Hello to you too, Emma Catherine. The question of course, is would I rather be loved or found amusing. Difficult call. Here's a Dilbert to think about instead.

I have been corresponding with my older brother in Morocco (from yesterday's video), and his latest email cracked me up so much that I'm reposting a chunk instead of attempting to rephrase. By doing this, I have completely one-upped my parents, who tend to forward all of our emails to EVERYONE in our family/friend circle. Hellooo public.
"I am also using my pressure cooker for the first time. I am really scared. I have heard lots of stories about people getting their heads blown off. I am making vegetable soup. I am living dangerous. Another dangerous thing is all the gas that we use. I have two large green high pressure gas tanks under my sink. I got the large ones, because apparently the little ones have no safety valves and like the pressure cookers, tend to explode and destroy small neighborhoods etc...
Another hazard worthy of mention is that my Carbon Monoxide detector keeps going off after I take a shower. I have gas heated water and we were warned about how sometimes the gas comes through the shower hose with the water. I open doors and windows when I take showers now, but the damn alarm keeps going off.
I can't decide whether it is broken or not. It talks in a robot voice. "Evacuate kitchen!" "Carbon monoxide level at Nine. Hundred. PPM" And then beeps really shrilly. I don't like being ordered around by a plastic object. Sometimes I just turn it off. I guess that I should investigate, but my experience with plumbers here has been frustrating. Also if I've been hanging out in nine billion parts per million carbon monoxide filled air, shouldn't I die? But no, the only thing giving me a headache is the alarm. Not quite the "silent death" we were so direly warned about. "
Funny, eh?
'tis a good blog. not updated nearly enough though. get with it, sweety.
okay, anonymous "honey". is that you emma catherine?
Haha, the best part was William's paraphrased email!
So funny!
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