Thursday, November 11, 2010

but Moses supposes erroneously

Today Amadeus told me that I've ruined her interactions with friends at school.

"What?" I asked, a bit confused.

"Yeah," she said, pausing from the dish she was washing. "Like, you and me always have these really boring, mundane, sometimes factual conversations."

I looked at her. This wasn't complimentary so far.

She continued, "But we laugh at everything. Even things that aren't funny. So now at school when someone says something normal, I'll laugh and nobody will join me. Like, someone will say 'Can I sit here?' and I'll burst out laughing."

I informed her that I don't laugh at dull moments, and she was the one with the uncontrollable laughter problem. She reminded me that I had burst into hysterics during dessert tonight.

In my defense, it was over something really funny. And in defense of this blog, I know she will laugh, even if noone else does. I just had bahand tha tares of a clawn.


LlamaH said...

I will back you up and say that Emma definitely would be diagnosed with an uncontrollable laughter syndrome

Sho said...

Seriously. seriously it's a problem

LlamaH said...

maybe there are meds for people like ehr