Saturday, November 13, 2010

you're perfect – you're perfect, so we're perfect together

(Bride and Prejudice: No Life without Wife)

Yesterday, Amadeus, Lexis and I got to visit some old friends – three lovely girls we knew in Egypt. The conversation turned, as it often does in a small group of girls, to men and marriage. We discussed "lists" of things we were looking for in a guy.

Lexis, my 15-year-old sister had quite an impressive list. Highlights:

-someone with a secret (she was quite serious about that one)
-green eyes
-plays harp, violin, piano
-strong enough to carry her
-British, Scottish, or French accent

So if you happen to know anyone who meets all of these criteria, please let me know and I'll begin the screening process.

Until then, here's a quote from Amadeus:

"I would never date someone I don't love, and I would never sell someone I love for money."

This was her (eventual) response to the question of whether she would dump her boyfriend for a million dollars. It leads me to my...

Small Talk Question of the Blog: What do you think of the idea of only dating someone you love?


There you have it. Two of my sisters: selective like the CIA. My other sister, dating an ex-swimmer from Ohio. And me, with the claddagh that I should probably figure out.

1 comment:

LlamaH said...

Hehehehe... WOW, Alex's list is impressive and I believe with all of my heart that she will find that man and I can't wait until he's a part of our family!!

Amadeus is quite wise.

I think that question depends on what you define love as...and dating too... but I would say, don't get into a relationship with someone you don't (to some degree) love.