Friday, November 12, 2010

you walked into my life and i thought "hey"

As I was typing a query into Google this morning I was, as usual, distracted by its suggestions for my search. "How to get a girl to like you." Really? I couldn't help but click and see what type of advice was offered to a young man searching for this on the internet.

Some of the Advice:

-Look Good. Work out run a mile or two, do some sit ups, get a six pack, etc. Also get a tan, so when you go to the pool and she is there, she will be like, "wow". Girls like a guy with a tan and some muscles, but don't overdo it; girls don't like it when you have too much muscles. That just shows that you love your muscles too much. Older people usually look better with normal facial and neck fat content range.

-Tickling can be risky because people who don't like it really don't like it, so beware. Don't take tickling too far, in any case; be gentle, and don't do it to the point that she's begging or screaming at you to stop.

-Don't stalk her. If she doesn't want to date, it means that she probably doesn't want a stalker either.

Some of the Questions:

"hey, valetnines day is coming up, and theres a girl i like... i want to make a card and write something in it that will make her like me, i was thinkin something along the lines of i had a dream once, me and you were together, happy, and we ha da beautiful house and beautiful children, for the first time in my life i was truly happy, and then i started to cry, coz i woke up and realised you werent there in my arms... what do you think? relpy soon please!"

"i meet a girl at a bus stop once in a do i get her to notice me and be my friend?"

"i saw a girl but she doesnt like me. how do i make her like me so i can get a kiss"


Ah high school. I don't remember it being like that.


LlamaH said...


Oh my goodness.... slightly disturbing

chantel said...

i'm barfing! hahaha