Saturday, August 21, 2010

Hey, you know this could be something

What would you not like to find under your bed?

A hog

Me (think about that. finding yourself under a bed. weird.)
Peter Pan's shadow
Chris Brown

What would the P.S. to your suicide note say?

Take care of the dog for me
Tell Joe to write my requiem mass
I was the one who broke the vase, not Scotty
Just kidding!
The shirt you wore yesterday was really ugly.

Yes, Empires has taken a morbid turn. Also, at the store today they played TWO of the songs on the "I never want to hear this song again" mix. "I will survive" and "It's raining men." That's right. I thought I had a free pass on that one after 2002.

Howl's Moving Castle is a wonderful, gorgeous movie.


chantel said...

plus christian bale (the most beautiful man alive)is in it! purr!

LlamaH said...

I give up, I see no point in living if I can't be beautiful