Sunday, August 8, 2010

it's three o'clock in the morning ----- listen to me good

Valkommen to my first jet lag post. It's 3 am here, 9 pm in New York and 6 pm in LA. Jet lag is like a nasty, mutated sleep deprivation for non-insomniacs. It is evidence of the irrationality of the body and its antagonistic relationship with the mind. My body's internal clock is convinced that I am supposed to be active right now, and refuses to listen to sleep commands despite an overwhelming fatigue.

Or basically, I feel crappy and needed a break from Sense and Sensibility, so I decided to write out what's happening, but it ended up a dramatic overuse of literary devices.

Insomniac reminds me of Animaniac, which reminds me of how much I adore Pinky and the Brain.


"Fatigue makes cowards of us all." This reminds me of sleep deprivation torture. I actually find it hard to believe that people argue that this isn't torture – they must define torture differently than I do. Whether it is ever justified is a completely different argument.

Apparently the Bush White House blasted music at Gitmo prisoners as a form of torture. Bruce Springsteen, Red Hot Chili Peppers, etc. "For the record, the Obama White House says it no longer uses music as an instrument of torture."

I can think of a few bands to add to that list. Am I a bad person for joking about this? Insensitive? Ignorant? Tiiiiired.


You bring your own bags to the grocery stores here, or you pay for ones inside the store. Also, the shopping carts are only released by sticking a coin in them, which is returned when they are taken back to their spot.

Honestly, these are definitely policies which should be enacted in the States. They aren't any added expense (except the initial cost of the shopping bags), and they promote responsibility really effectively while leaving the choice up to the consumer.


The exchange rate here is similar to that of Egyptian pounds. Swedish Kroners are also around a 6:1 ratio to the dollar, which means everything looks really, really expensive. Unfortunately, unlike in Egypt, everything actually is really, really expensive. So far.

Maybe this bodes well for our busking ambitions?


Christine said...

They don't use the euro in Sweden? Odd. Remember last summer when I read like ten Scarlet Pimpernel books...the hero got sleep tortured in one of them, it was like the only thing he couldn't handle.

I'd say get some sleep, but I know you, and I know you'll sleep!

Sho said...

Yeah, Sweden and Great Britain are both in the Union but not the Eurozone. Sweden is going to vote on whether they want to become eurotastic in a few years, but it will probably be a negatory because they pulled out of the economic recession way better than most other european countries.

(source: my father:P)

LlamaH said...

write more when you're jet lagged