Nebula (National Geographic Photo).
I remember the first time I saw photos of nebulae, I couldn't believe that something so wonderfully colorful and beautiful was part of our universe. They looked like photoshopped images from an art show. I suppose this was a funny reaction considering the beauty in nature all around me.
Smashing Story: Nine day long traffic jam in Beijing. And people complain in LA...
Simply Sweden: Parking here is expensive. It makes me appreciate the "Free Parking" space in Monopoly which I had always thought of as no big deal. (Okay, house rules sticking $500 and all Chance/Community Chest fines made it a biggish deal.) Free parking is a big deal here though.
A couple Swedish Road Rules:
– Pedestrians always ALWAYS have right of way. The minute a pedestrian looks like he/she is about to step into the Zebra crossing, you must stop. The fines/repercussions are serious.
– Drinking and Driving is hardcore. BAC level is .02. (In the States it's .08). That means, a girl, I probably have to wait a couple hours after a glass of wine before driving. Penalties are severe (depending on BAC levels, suspension of driver's license, imprisonment, etc)
Though apparently being imprisoned in Sweden is a sweet deal. (That's where Saddam Hussein wanted to be interned.)
1 comment:
Nice title.. hehehe
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